Welcome to Krishna Institute of Computer Application
& Management

Under the esteem guidance of well known vice chancellor of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed University, Honorable Dr. Suresh Bhosale Sir, Krishna Foundation, Malakapur-Karad is established by Dr. Atul Bhosale in 2002.

The main objective of Krishna Foundation is to provide higher education to rural students. Mr. Atul Baba Bhosale observed that knowledge of English language is most important in todays competitive world. In rural area in Karad tahsil, the students get their primary & secondary education through Marathi medium hence these students have to face problems related to English language. Hence Mr. Atul Bhosale first started English medium school at Wathar & Shere under Krishna Foundation. More>>

News & Events
BCA Admission Against CAP Vacancies 2024
BCA Merit List Against CAP Vacancies 2024
MCA Admission Against CAP vacancies 2024-25
Merit List Against CAP Vacancy and Institute Level Seats 2023-24
Admission Against CAP vacancies and Institute Level Seats 2023-24
Admission Open
ARA Admission merit List 2022-23
Teacher Training Program
Statutory declaration under section 4(1)(b) of the RTI act, 2005
Online Grivevance Redressal Mechanism
Student Feedback Form
Mandatory Disclosure
AICTE Approval Letters
Feedback Facility is Available for Students and Faculties in the AICTE Web Portal as well as in the Website of the Institution.
Online fee approval proposal for academic year 2024-25
This is an era of technological innovations. The modern educational world is reverberating with waves of innovation all around the world.In this dynamic educational environment it is mentor that the young minds of our country should be nurtured & encouraged in such a way that they achieve greatest success in their lives. More